What does it include?
Face Painting has various avenues depending on the event that it is provided for. Different events I offer face painting for are as follows:
- Birthdays 🎂 🎉 🎈
- Halloween 🎃 👻
- Baby showers
- Festivals 🎪
- New business openings or corporate functions🔑🎀
- Expos
- Religious celebrations
- Cultural Celebrations ⛩ 🎊 e.g Chinese New Year, Christmas celebrations and more.
We aim to provide the best quality service to our customers, whether it it will give a smile for the kids and to make them feel special, or to show the crowd who you dare to represent!
Adult face and Body painting is also offered. This is usually requested during different seasons of the year, in particular Halloween. Body painting consists of or partial or whole of the body painted.
Please contact Stephany for further Enquiries regarding this service.